Mario Incayawar, M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Recipient of the John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship 2006
The John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation Faculty Fellowship 1999
Recipient of the Dr. Stanley C. Marinoff Vulvodynia Career Development Award 2011


Bouchard L. and Incayawar M. Linguistics Contribution to Psychiatry: Addressing the Overlooked Effect of Language on Behavior and Biology. Submitted to Lancet Psychiatry.

Incayawar M, Saucier JF (2015) Exploring Pain in the Andes – Learning from the Quichua (Inca) People Experience. Postgraduate Medicine. Early Online 1-8. DOI

Maldonado-Bouchard S, Bouchard L, Incayawar M (2015) Broken Promises – Indigenous Peoples’ Mental Health in South America. Lancet Psychiatry 2(1):8-10. DOI

Incayawar M (2013) Analgesia Induced by Daring Words.- A Glimpse to the Cultural Brain. The Journal of Pain 14 (4):S103. DOI

Incayawar M and Saucier JF (2010) Pain in Remote Andean Communities – Learning from the Quichua (Inca) Experience. Rural and Remote Health 10:1379. PubMed, free full text

Incayawar M, Bouchard L and Maldonado-Bouchard S (2010) Living without Psychiatrists in the Andes - Plight and Resilience of the Quichua (Inca) People. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry 2:119-125. DOI

Incayawar M and Maldonado-Bouchard S (2009)  The Forsaken Mental Health of the Indigenous Peoples - A Moral Case of Outrageous Exclusion in Latin America.  BMC International Health and Human Rights, 9:27. PubMed, free full textHighly Accessed. DOI

Incayawar M (2008) Efficacy of Quichua Healers as Psychiatric Diagnosticians. British Journal of Psychiatry 192:390-391. PubMed, free full text    DOI


Restivo S, Incayawar M, Clarke JM (2020) The Social Brain: Implications for Therapeutic and Preventive Protocols in Psychiatry. In Restivo S, Einstein's Brain - Genius, Culture, and Social Networks, Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. More

Incayawar M (2020) The Need to Fathom Overlapping Pain and Psychiatric Syndromes. In Overlapping Pain and Psychiatric Syndromes - Global Perspectives, Incayawar M and Maldonado-Bouchard S (eds.), New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Maldonado-Bouchard S and Incayawar M (2020) The Epigenetic Bridge between Stress, Chronic Pain, and Psychiatric Disorders. In Overlapping Pain and Psychiatric Syndromes - Global Perspectives, Incayawar M and Maldonado-Bouchard S (eds.), New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Bouchard L and Incayawar M (2020) Acknowledging the Clinical Effects of Words in Pain Medicine and Psychiatry. In Overlapping Pain and Psychiatric Syndromes - Global Perspectives, Incayawar M and Maldonado-Bouchard S (eds.), New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Incayawar M (2020) Jaki, a Puzzling Inca Syndrome of Comorbid Pain and Mental Illness. In Overlapping Pain and Psychiatric Syndromes - Global Perspectives, Incayawar M and Maldonado-Bouchard S (eds.), New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Faghihi U, Maldonado-Bouchard S, and Incayawar M (2020) Taming Artificial Intelligence in Psychiatry and Pain Medicine– Promises and Challenges. In Overlapping Pain and Psychiatric Syndromes - Global Perspectives, Incayawar M and Maldonado-Bouchard S (eds.), New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Maldonado-Bouchard S, Bouchard L, Incayawar M, (2015) Baffling Clinical Encounters: Navigating a Pain and Psychiatric Quichua Syndrome. In Troublesome Disguises (2nd Edition), Bhugra D and Malhi G (eds.), London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. More

Incayawar M, Todd K (2012) Culture, Pharmacogenomics, and Personalized Analgesia. In Culture, Brain, and Analgesia – Understanding and Managing Pain in Diverse Populations, Incayawar M, Todd K (eds.), New York, NY: Oxford University Press. MORE

Incayawar M, Maldonado-Bouchard S (2012) We Feel Pain Too – Asserting the Pain Experience of the Quichua People. In Culture, Brain, and Analgesia – Understanding and Managing Pain in Diverse Populations, Incayawar M, Todd K (eds.), New York, NY: Oxford University Press. MORE

Incayawar M, Todd K (2012) Relevance of Pain and Analgesia in Multicultural Societies. In Culture, Brain, and Analgesia – Understanding and Managing Pain in Diverse Populations, Incayawar M, Todd K (eds.), New York, NY: Oxford University Press. MORE

Incayawar M (2009)  Psychiatric Case Identification Skills of Yachactaita (Quichua Healers of the Andes). In Psychiatrists and Traditional Healers: Unwitting Partners in Global Mental Health, Incayawar M, Wintrob R, Bouchard L (eds.), London , UK : Wiley-Blackwell. Order at

Incayawar M (2009) Future Partnerships in Global Mental Health - Foreseeing the Encounter of Psychiatrists and Traditional Healers.  In Psychiatrists and Traditional Healers: Unwitting Partners in Global Mental Health, Incayawar M, Wintrob R, Bouchard L (eds.), London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.Free Free pdf

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Overlapping Pain and Psychiatric Syndromes - Global Perspectives

Mario Incayawar, and Sioui Maldonado-Bouchard (eds). Published by Oxford University Press, 2020.

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Culture, Brain, and Analgesia

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Culture, Brain, and Analgesia - Understanding and Managing Pain in Diverse Populations.
Mario Incayawar and Knox H. Todd (eds). New YorK, NY: Oxford University Press, 2012.

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Psychiatrists and Traditional Healers: Unwitting Partners in Global Mental Health
. Mario Incayawar M, Ronald Wintrob, and Lise Bouchard (eds). London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.





Director, Runajambi - Institute for the Study of Quichua Culture and Health
Former Executive Board Officer (2005-2011), World Psychiatric Association, Transcultural
Psychiatry Section

Former William F. Quillian International Professor, R-MWC, Virginia, U.S.A.
Former Henry R. Luce Professor in Brain, Mind & Medicine: Cross-Cultural
Perspectives, Claremont Colleges, California, U.S.A.
Medical Director, Cross-Cultural Clinic for Pain and Psychiatry
President & Co-Founder, Convergence | Expertise, Montreal, Canada.