Mario Incayawar, M.D., M.Sc., DESS., Ph.D., and Sioui Maldonado-Bouchard, M.Sc. Ph.D.

Published by Oxford University Press, 2020.




Mario Incayawar, M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D., and KnoxTodd, M.D., M.P.H.

Culture, Brain, and Analgesia - Understanding and Managing Pain in Diverse Populations.
New YorK, NY: Oxford University Press, 2013. 




Mario Incayawar, M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D., Ron Wintrob, M.D., and
Lise Bouchard, M.A., Ph.D.

Psychiatrists and Traditional Healers: Unwitting Partners in Global Mental Health.
London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

  Restivo S, Incayawar M, Clarke JM (2020) The Social Brain: Implications for Therapeutic and Preventive Protocols in Psychiatry. In Restivo S, Einstein's Brain - Genius, Culture, and Social Networks, Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. More  
  Incayawar M (2020) The Need to Fathom Overlapping Pain and Psychiatric Syndromes. In Overlapping Pain and Psychiatric Syndromes - Global Perspectives, Incayawar M and Maldonado-Bouchard S (eds.), New York, NY: Oxford University Press.  
  Maldonado-Bouchard S and Incayawar M (2020) The Epigenetic Bridge between Stress, Chronic Pain, and Psychiatric Disorders. In Overlapping Pain and Psychiatric Syndromes - Global Perspectives, Incayawar M and Maldonado-Bouchard S (eds.), New York, NY: Oxford University Press.  
  Bouchard L and Incayawar M (2020) Acknowledging the Clinical Effects of Words in Pain Medicine and Psychiatry. In Overlapping Pain and Psychiatric Syndromes - Global Perspectives, Incayawar M and Maldonado-Bouchard S (eds.), New York, NY: Oxford University Press.  
  Incayawar M (2020) Jaki, a Puzzling Inca Syndrome of Comorbid Pain and Mental Illness. In Overlapping Pain and Psychiatric Syndromes - Global Perspectives, Incayawar M and Maldonado-Bouchard S (eds.), New York, NY: Oxford University Press.  
  Faghihi U, Maldonado-Bouchard S, and Incayawar M (2020) Taming Artificial Intelligence in Psychiatry and Pain Medicine– Promises and Challenges. In Overlapping Pain and Psychiatric Syndromes - Global Perspectives, Incayawar M and Maldonado-Bouchard S (eds.), New York, NY: Oxford University Press.  

Maldonado Bouchard S., Bouchard L., Incayawar M. (2015) Baffling Clinical Encounters: Navigating a Pain and Psychiatric Quichua Syndrome. In Bhugra, D. and Malhi G. (eds.) Troublesome Disguises: Underdiagnosed Psychiatric Symptoms, Wiley-Blackwell: London, England. MORE


Incayawar M, Todd K (2012) Culture, Pharmacogenomics, and Personalized Analgesia. In Culture, Brain, and Analgesia – Understanding and Managing Pain in Diverse Populations, Incayawar M, Todd K (eds.), New York, NY: Oxford University Press. MORE


Incayawar M, Maldonado-Bouchard S (2012) We Feel Pain Too – Asserting the Pain Experience of the Quichua People. In Culture, Brain, and Analgesia – Understanding and Managing Pain in Diverse Populations, Incayawar M, Todd K (eds.), New York, NY: Oxford University Press. MORE


Incayawar M, Todd K (2012) Relevance of Pain and Analgesia in Multicultural Societies. In Culture, Brain, and Analgesia – Understanding and Managing Pain in Diverse Populations, Incayawar M, Todd K (eds.), New York, NY: Oxford University Press. MORE


Mario Incayawar.  Psychiatric Case Identification Skills of Yachactaita (Quichua Healers of the Andes ).  In Psychiatrists and Traditional Healers: Unwitting Partners in Global Mental Health, Incayawar M, Wintrob R, Bouchard L (eds.), London, UK : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. MORE


Mario Incayawar.  Future Partnerships in Global Mental Health - Foreseeing the Encounter of Psychiatrists and Traditional Healers.  In Psychiatrists and Traditional Healers: Unwitting Partners in Global Mental Health, Incayawar M, Wintrob R, Bouchard L (eds.), London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.


Mario Incayawar.  Indigenous Peoples of South America – Inequalities in Mental Health Care. In Culture and Mental Health - A Comprehensive Textbook, Kamaldeep Bhui and Dinesh Bhugra (eds.), London, UK: Hodder Arnold Publishing, 2007.


Mario Incayawar.  Indigenous Knowledge - Medical Contributions of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas.  In Encyclopedia of Science, Technology and Society.  Oxford University Press, 2005.


Mario Incayawar.  Transcultural Psychiatry: perspectives on the cultural variations and the use of the dimension of the supernatural.  In Advances in Psychiatry (Editor: G. N. Christodoulou) Vol II, pp 231-235.  World Psychiatric Association Publications, 2005.

  Bouchard L. and Incayawar M. Linguistics Contribution to Psychiatry: Addressing the Overlooked Effect of Language on Behavior and Biology. Submitted to Lancet Psychiatry.  
  Maldonado-Bouchard S, Bouchard L, Incayawar M (2015) Broken Promises – Indigenous Peoples’ Mental Health in South America. Lancet Psychiatry 2(1):8-10. DOI  
  Incayawar M, Saucier JF (2015) Exploring Pain in the Andes – Learning from the Quichua (Inca) People Experience. Postgraduate Medicine. Early Online 1-8. DOI
  Incayawar M (2013) Analgesia Induced by Daring Words.- A Glimpse to the Cultural Brain. The Journal of Pain 14 (4):S103. DOI  

Incayawar M and Saucier JF (2010) Pain in Remote Andean Communities – Learning from the Quichua (Inca) Experience. Rural and Remote Health 10:1379. 

PubMed, free full text


Incayawar M, Bouchard L and Maldonado-Bouchard S (2010) Living without Psychiatrists in the Andes - Plight and Resilience of the Quichua (Inca) People. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry 2:119-125.  DOI



Incayawar M and Maldonado-Bouchard S (2009) The forsaken mental health of the Indigenous Peoples - a moral case of outrageous exclusion in Latin America. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 9:27. Free full text Highly Accessed




Incayawar M (2008) Efficacy of Quichua Healers as Psychiatric Diagnosticians. British Journal of Psychiatry 192:390-391. Free full text icon  icon



Maldonado MG  (2001) Are Yachactaitas (Quichua Healers) Good Diagnosticians? Transcultural Psychiatric Section, World Psychiatric Association Newsletter, 19(2):11-13.



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